2010-01-01 – Taral,Vijaydurg Fort,Devagad, Light house,Devagad Fort,Devagad Beach + Crematorium, Nandgauv ,Kanakavali,Sawanthwadi:We again had trouble reaching Vijaydurg, we ended up changing a lot of busses. Vijaydurg fort like most other forts was sea facing.
The waters were clear and blue. The fort's pretty big, we took a little walk and soon left.
There is a Light Flashing Unit, not sure if it was still operational, we guys climbed over to the top and monkeyed around for a while. There was some kind of special pooja being offered at a local temple there.
Gururaj and Hamsa managed to get Lemon rice and tea. The preparation had onions and I had to settle just for Tea.
On reaching Devagad we hired a couple of autos to take us around sight seeing. With no good restaurant nearby we ended up eating bakery items. The bakery owner happened to be from Karnataka. We were quite surpised to meet a lot of Kannadagias.
We first visited Devaghag Fort and Light house which are in the same premise. We also visited the Lighthouse and understood quite a lot. The officer in-charge there was from Karwar who was earlier posted at Karwar – Devabagh Island. He told us about the colour codes followed by each light house and their significance. He also told us about the number of revolutions of each light house is maintained a constant. And that this was an international standard followed. The range of Devagad Lighthouse is 50kms.
We next went to Devagad Beach, the beach was clean and hardly had people around; On seeing the cleanliness the guys had plans to scrap Amboli and camp here for the night. After I took a walk around I figured out it was a Crematorium, due to differences we scrapped the plan and headed off to Amboli.
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